Male Sexual Misconduct

The Insight Program

Male Sexual Misconduct

The Insight Program at Southern Peaks offers residential treatment services for male adolescents who have exhibited sexually offensive behaviors, often accompanied by trauma-related diagnoses or additional behavioral health problems.

The Insight Program is designed in accordance with the standards and guidelines promulgated by the Colorado Sex Offender Management Board (SOMB) for the treatment and supervision of juveniles who have histories of sexual misconduct including, but not limited to, adjudicated sexual offenses. The program is comprised of a team of master’s level therapists who are each listed as a full operating level provider with the SOMB.

From the outset of the treatment process, Insight utilizes a psychosexual evaluation and other specialized clinical assessments to assist in determining a truly individualized treatment plan for each youth. He will journey through a seven-stage program that includes rapport building, victim disclosures, sexual histories, sexual history polygraph (per request), clarification, relapse prevention, and termination. These stages also emphasize family therapy, phase advancement, safety planning, and informed supervision.

Insight curriculums are diverse and customized to meet every client’s level of comprehension. Cognitive and dialectical behavioral therapies, as well as trauma-informed care, are used as the framework for each boy’s treatment plan. Key therapeutic interventions include individual, group, and family counseling sessions, with a focus on healthy sexuality, cognitive restructuring, empathy development, values clarification, anger management, impulse control, social skills training, and relapse prevention strategies.

Goals of the Insight program include:

  • Acceptance and responsibility for all offending behaviors with an emphasis on victim impact.
  • Understanding of the cycle of abuse.
  • Reduction and elimination of inappropriate sexual arousal and deviant behaviors.
  • Healthy sexual development and identity.
  • Ability to develop and maintain honest and trusting relationships.
  • Reintegration into the community through strict adherence to continuing care and relapse prevention plans.

Our highly skilled and dedicated Master’s level clinicians have been specifically trained with a focus on treating adolescents who have committed sexually offensive behaviors. All staff assigned to the Insight Program complete extensive training year-round in sex offense specific treatment principles.

All residents in the Insight Program are housed in single rooms, and ratios of one staff to four youth during waking hours provide for intensive supervision while minimizing community risk.