Male Behavioral Health

Male Behavioral Health

Male Behavioral Health

Males respond to experiences differently than girls. They have different pathways to problem behaviors and often face different issues and challenges. Southern Peaks addresses the needs of the male gender group in ways that are responsive to those differences.

Our males behavioral health program is highly structured, therapeutic, and predictable, providing a safe and nurturing environment for male adolescents who need an intensive level of care. The program is designed to provide an orderly and supportive treatment milieu that promotes success through the development of prosocial behaviors and adaptive living skills.

Upon admission, our clinical, medical, and educational teams will complete a comprehensive assessment process that will lay the foundation for each young man’s individualized treatment plan.

Using a multidisciplinary team approach, the treatment plan is tailored and regularly modified to incorporate and address the special needs and strengths that the child and his family system possess. These include factors such as developmental strengths/needs, emotional strengths/needs, intellectual development, social and cultural factors, physical strengths/needs, and life domains pertinent to the young man and family.

Key treatment interventions include, but are not limited to, individual therapy, group therapy, family therapy, social skills training, psychological/psychiatric support, and medical/psychotropic intervention.

Each child will have the opportunity to further participate in gender-responsive clinical, and educational, and recreational programming along with a variety of other structured activities and services designed to foster growth and positive life changes.